Get your pen and paper.

Maybe some years back you had ideas of what to be. Yes, you still have your imagination not written but they are in your head.

Anything that is not written does not exist – that’s the truth.

Along the line you got bored and abandoned it having the confidence that someday you will bounce back to it. No, you are wrong. Get started now, the best time for it, is NOW. The problem is not the idea, the problem is your writing attitude towards the idea because your writing attitude determines your writing altitude. Have you dreamt of owning a multibillion dollar company? Have you dreamt of owning a football team? Do you want to write that ever-thrilling book – a science book, a novel, an inspirational devotion? Do you imagine yourself running a first class hospital for children? Have you slept one day only to imagine yourself setting up a marketing company? Do you have great messages you need to post in your blog but you choose to do it when you are less busy? You will forget them soon. Inspirations are written not stuffed in the brain.

It’s time to take a cold shower, refresh, take a paper and pen and start writing those ideas down because as you are reading this post they are flowing and you can’t afford to loose them, put it down.

Your dream has just started now. Experience has thought me that everything in life starts with a pen and paper. God said to prophet Habakkuk, in Habakkuk 2:2,

“….. write the vision and make it plain on tablets”.

God knows the importance of putting things on a written form – a plain paper. Have you asked yourself why God upon all His power and wonderful nature made the Bible to be written? It is called the “Book of reference” to all generations born and unborn.

Even when Jesus was tempted after fasting for a long time, He rebuked the devil with a starting note “It is written” (Matthew 4:4). The devil left him because there was a prove, a document, a blue print of what He was quoting – the Word of God.

What have you been trying to achieve? What have you dreamt of? What vision has God shown you? Write them down. Even the book of revelation was written, if not, you and I wouldn’t have laid our hands on it.

Get your pen and paper and start writing. Write down your future if you want to feature in it.

3 responses to “Get your pen and paper.”

  1. benardchinua avatar

    Pen and paper. I agree. Powerful tools.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AdriannaJ avatar

    Love this! Man, imagine a world where everybody wrote down their visions and actually pursued them with all their might! The world would be so colorful, so wonderful, if everybody used their gift/vision/ideas to glorify God!…We definitely need to get to writing! Stay blessed my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. evangelist chilavert nmezi avatar

      Thank you for acknowledging my thoughts. Yes, we need to be putting them down.
      Stay blessed too my dear.

      Liked by 1 person

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chilavert nmezi ministries

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